Do you have some crucial business documents that you don't want anyone else to access? Or you have some homemade video and song recordings stored in a folder that's easy to find? PCBooster Free File Locker is a safeguard against any kind of data theft or the loss of data during a system crash. It provides most advanced cryptographic algorithms and allows you to use your own password to preserve file secrecy and confidentiality. It protects all computers that have been compromised by malicious users - only the person that knows your password can decrypt them.

Lock Any Files
PCBooster Free File Locker is free file encryptor
software that is mainly used to lock any file
you designate, including document, photo, audio,
video, EXE programs, etc. in few clicks to make
them inaccessible to both local and remote users.
Now, just protect your content against unauthorized
reading, playing, watching, etc.
Protect Privacy-related Info
Want to protect all your "sensitive" files from
people whom you wouldn't like to share them
with? PCBooster Free File Locker provides you
an easy way to lock your important health, financial,
private and other confidential information to
prevent them from falling into destructive hands.

Keep Your Data Safe from Windows Crash
Windows crash will make you lose your data when
you'd been trying to accomplish them. In order
to maintain data integrity, PCBooster Free File
Locker helps lock them with password protection
before anything catastrophic happens to keep
your data safe. So, when your Windows crashes,
you won't worry about losing your important
data any more.
Protect Important Info from Kids
It is common that you find your vital files
on your PC are opened, modified or made in a
mess by kids but can't take some punitive measures.
To get out of such troubles, you can use this
free file locker to lock your important bank,
programming or office applications so that the
kids can't access.

Secure Encryption Algorithms
PCBooster Free File Locker uses a secure encryption
algorithm known as cipher and hash. You can
choose Rijndael, Blowfish, DES, 3DES, etc. from
cipher, or Haval, MD5, SHA1, Tiger, etc. from
hash to build a strong protective wall to protect
all your valuable data and files against any
unauthorized users.
File Decryption
If you want to share your encrypted files with
your friends, colleagues, relatives and so on,
this free file locker is convenient for you.
With the correct passwords, you can easily decrypt
the previously locked files for anyone to freely
copy, edit, print, modify, etc.